
Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Since I haven't posted in a while I'll tell you a little bit of what's been going on. Nothing really exciting...

-I am preparing for my first exam in Psychology on Tuesday-keep your fingers crossed, I'm a terrible test taker, really, I am!

-I am going out of my mind trying to schedule my life for the next several years with my courses-when/where to take them-blah, blah, blah...Why can't PSU schedule out for the next 4 years at least. I mean, really, I'm not taking anything out of the ordinary. Work with me Pres. Spanier-I'm a planner, everybody knows it. All I want is a basic Chem class to fit in with my son's preschool. Lesson #1 Finish college before kids, it's a helluva lot easier to juggle things.

-The big discussion lately with Alexis is how she doesn't want to get her shots for kindergarten. Mike and I went back and forth on who's taking her:he'll take her, No, I will, etc. So finally last night I decided I'm the Mom, I need to be there for her (not that Mike doesn't but you Mom's know what I'm talking about.) So I've got myself all prepared for the 4 shots she's to get. Well, we find out she ONLY has to get 3-big relief. They come in, ask her to hold out her left arm and whammo--she's done! She watched them the whole time, didn't shed a tear and was amazing. I feel very guilty that I had such doubt in her! I, on the other hand, was about to cry BECAUSE she didn't cry-makes no sense I know but again, you Mom's know what I'm talking about.

So anyway, nothing exciting but something to blog about and let you all know we're still alive and kickin' and very anxious for spring.

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