
Sunday, March 8, 2009

50th anniversary weekend

Here are a few pictures from this weekend from Mike's parents 50th anniversary party.  All of Mike's sisters and brothers were in with all the kids.  Some from Arizona, some from Tennessee and some from Colorado.  It was a great time even though Alexis was sick the whole time(she still managed to give a great smile for any pictures taken). I don't have one of the special couple but when I get it I'll upload it for you all to see.  The kids really enjoyed having all their aunts, uncles and cousins here to play with.

This is Matthew's first suit.  He loved it so much he wanted to wear it on Sunday to breakfast!

The kids were attached to Uncle John and Jack all weekend.  They loved having all the family to play with.  The other picture is Matthew's dessert-pretty nice for a child's dessert!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt wanted to wear that suit to bed!!! It was a wonderful party!
Hope they have 50 more!